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SINGA means "to connect" in Lingala, a language spoken in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Implied by the name, SINGA helps to connect newcomers and locals through diverse programs and events to facilitate the adaptation and inclusion processes that come with a new location. Present in 7 countries and 17 cities, SINGA strives to facilitate and accelerate the inclusion of applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in their host society. At SINGA we believe that inclusion and cooperation leads to innovation and unity.


"Diversity is a fact, yet inclusion is a choice we make every day." Nellie Borrero


On our side, SINGA Luxembourg has been actively pursuing SINGA’s vision since 2019. This project was made possible through the medium of Léieren & Savoir asbl and its’ members – whom had 6 years of experience in youth inclusion and refugee support – alongside SINGA Global. Our experience and competences acquired have since then developed and are now fully centered on SINGA Luxembourg.


SINGA Luxembourg is an innovative project that brings concrete challenges to promote and disseminate good practices in Luxembourg while cooperating with other entities. Just as SINGA Global envisions, SINGA Luxembourg aims, at varying degrees, to assist in revealing the potential of each individual by lending and returning the social capital they have left behind. With numerous actions and challenges already undertaken in European cities where SINGA is present, SINGA Luxembourg seeks to provide similar opportunities for all newcomers to the country. During our involvement in the associative field, we recognized that it is substantial to propose solutions for the demand of meetings and exchanges among Luxembourgers, residents and newcomers. Additionally, we found that it is also of significant importance to provide applicants and beneficiaries of international protection with the opportunity to establish a social link that would allow them to meet and engage in activities in a benevolent atmosphere.


The profiles that SINGA Luxembourg comprises on a daily basis are richly different but complementary. Jimmy Corneille, founder of the association, works in the banking sector as well as at the University of Luxembourg as an Inclusion Specialist; Sylvain Marguerin, president of the association, works at the Grand-Ducal Court; Mathieu Reiser, holder of a Master's degree in economics and management, is present as Operation Officer and finally Joana Vazquez, a volunteer who helps us daily in our missions.

Our glossary

nouvel arrivant SINGA

Newcomer (versus "migrant" or "refugee")

A person newly arrived in a territory, who seeks to contribute to his host society and to build a new network (professional and/or friendly).

local person

local SINGA

A person who has lived in a territory for a certain period of time (having nationality or not). At SINGA, locals and newcomers meet daily.

communauté SINGA

Member of the community (versus "beneficiary")

We think that being in a logic of unilateral aid to newcomers prevents a real consideration of what they want and are able to bring. We therefore work to offer balanced spaces for exchange, where each person, as an equal, is a member of our community. 

inclusion SINGA

Inclusion (versus "integration")

The concept of integration refers to individual actions that enable integration into an existing social system. SINGA wishes to promote active inclusion, where each actor, regardless of their administrative status or any other characteristic, takes part in the construction and development of a system in perpetual evolution.

Our mission

SINGA is fighting to build more societies inclusive and for an innovative economy allowing everyone, whatever their origin, to reveal its potential.

mission SINGA
Notre mission
vision SINGA

Our vision

Inform: change the discourse on migration and promote access to information for people who have recently arrived.


Interact: create links between people new arrivals and local people to create social and economic projects common.


Innovate: make unexpected situations and diversity of points of view an inexhaustible source of novelty.

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Adress : Centre sociétaire                           DrescherHaus

                26A, rue du Château

                L-1329 Luxembourg

E-mail :

Phone : +352 661 279 999

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© 2023 by SINGA Luxembourg.

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